Born and educated in Gloucester, Cedric has taught art locally and exhibited his work nationally. He has organised a community screen print workshop in the city, co-founded Hedgehog Equipment, a small business making and supplying carding tools for craft workers. He has been a bicycle mechanic and lead-mine operative, book and magazine illustrator and carver of stone.
'I am motivated by myth - by the relationship between animals and ourselves- I want to hint at things that may be unknowable - that may have happened in the past that can only be apprehended by the imagination - by the intuitive capturing of the flavour of the supposed land of our collective past - informed by literature and folk reminiscence - from awe and fear of what would happen if those gods who had the souls of those we ate in their keeping were not placated to the waste and transitory unconcern of the cardboard eaters of our present unthinking, worried and unconnected days.'
Gloucester histories